Friday, September 17, 2010

The Kingdom Of God

Throne Room of the Neuschwanstein Castle
Have you ever thought to yourself, "What exactly is the Kingdom of God?" I have. So I did a word study on it and collected all of the verses that said anything about the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven. Then I took a thought from each verse and organized them into paragraphs. The following is the result. It isn't meant to sound pretty - I just did it for myself, so I could see "at a glance", what the scriptures say. (If you want a "real" article about the Kingdom of God, go here.)

Jesus came to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Repent. Be born again. You must be born with water and spirit to enter the Kingdom of God. You must be converted and humble yourself as a little child to enter the Kingdom. Then you will not only enter, but be greatest in the Kingdom of God.

It is the Father's good pleasure to give us the Kingdom. It is a mystery that He wants us to discover. But you must seek it. Like the man who sold everything he had to buy the field with the treasure in it, or the man who sold everything he had to buy the pearl of great price, so must we. Everyone is invited, but only a few come. The first servants of the Kingdom of God get the same "pay" as the last. All get to enter.

The faith needed to enter the Kingdom is as small as a mustard seed, but can be mighty "mountain moving" faith. Like wise the Kingdom started small like the mustard see, but will grow surprisingly big, like it's "tree". The Kingdom multiplies like a lump of dough does with leaven in it. Just as we cannot make a seed grow, so we cannot make the Kingdom grow. It is God.

The Kingdom of God is not of this world. Flesh and blood cannot obtain it. It is not something you will be able to see - it is within you. The Kingdom of God has not to do with eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace, and joy/rejoicing in the Holy Spirit. The Kingdom of God is not about what you say - no matter how eloquent - but the power of God. The Kingdom is something we continuously and actively receive to ourselves.

The Kingdom is promised to them that love Him. The poor in spirit - theirs is the Kingdom. Those persecuted for righteousness sake - theirs is the Kingdom. If we seek first His Kingdom and righteousness then He will take care of all our needs. Those who leave house, parents, brethren, spouse, or children shall receive much more in this present time, and in the world to come everlasting life. Some will even make themselves eunuchs for the Kingdom's sake. No man looking back is fit for the Kingdom. Let the spiritually dead bury their dead - let no lesser duty keep you from the one great duty of following Jesus.

Jesus told the scribe, who knew that loving God with all his heart, all his mind, all his soul, and all his strength, and to love his neighbor as himself is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices, that he was not far from the Kingdom of God. The scribes, those skilled in the Mosaic law, who have become a disciple of the Kingdom of God, will find much new treasure among those which have been long standing.

We must walk worthy of God who has called us unto His Kingdom and glory. Persecution and afflictions, for the Kingdom of God, show that you are counted worthy of it. Through much affliction we enter into the Kingdom of God. If you are diligent to make your calling and election sue, your entry into the everlasting Kingdom will be supplied unto you abundantly.

When anyone hears about the Kingdom but doesn't understand, the enemy steals that which was sown in his heart. There are those who receive the word with joy, but don't count the cost and are offended when suffering comes. Then there are those who hear the word but it is overpowered by the anxiety of this age and the deceitfulness of material goods. And finally, there are those who hear, understand, and bear fruit.

The Kingdom of God is eagerly and hastefully accepted by many, but they don't count the cost, and they don't truly repent. There will be those who think they get to enter, but do not. Only those who do the will of the Father. It is very hard for those with riches, those who trust in riches, to enter the Kingdom.

The Scribes and Pharisees have shut up the Kingdom of God, and don't enter in themselves. But the publicans and harlots will precede them in entering the Kingdom. Many will come from the east and west, north and south, to sit in the Kingdom, but the children of the Kingdom will be cast out into darkness. There will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth when they are thrust out. The Kingdom of God will be given to a nation bringing forth fruits.

If your eye causes you to stumble, it is better that you cast it out them be cast into hell firs. The unrighteous shall not obtain the Kingdom of God. No whoremonger, unclean person, or covetous man has any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God. They which do such things - the works of the flesh (human nature) - shall not obtain the Kingdom of God.

Those who break even one small commandment and teach others to do so shall be called least in the Kingdom of God. Those who do and teach the commandments shall be called great in the Kingdom. The humble shall be greater than John the Baptist.

Jesus sent the disciples out to preach the Kingdom of God, and with that message - just as with Jesus - people were healed and devils cast out. Peter was given the keys to open the Kingdom of God, and, like all believers, the power to bind or loose, the power to forgive or retain sins. Jesus spent His last forty days speaking to the disciples about things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. And since Pentecost, the Kingdom of God is not longer "near", it is here. Paul says in Col. 1:13, God "has delivered us from the power of darkness, and has translated us into the Kingdom of His dear Son."

The disciples never stopped preaching the Kingdom of God, for Jesus said that the Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world, then the end shall come. When you see all these things - after the tribulation the sun and moon will darken and the stars will fall - know that the (physical) Kingdom of God is near at hand. Then you will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds.

Throne Room of Fontainebleau Palace

The servants of the Kingdom must be ready and watching for Christ's return. The Kingdom of God comes when the accuser is cast down. After Christ's coming the Kingdom will be delivered up. When Jesus returns He will take account of His servants. We are to occupy till He returns. God has given us all talents to use for Him, and when He returns He will judge the living and the dead.

In the end, the Kingdom of God will be separated like the fish in a net, like the tares the enemy sowed in the wheat field, like the sheep and goats. Then those on His right hand will enter. Those who fed Him when He was hungry, gave Him drink when He was thirsty, took Him in when He was a stranger, clothed Him, visited Him when He was sick or in prison.

The Son of Man shall send forth angels to remove from His Kingdom everyone that causes stumbling or offense, and them which do iniquity. They shall be cast into the fire with much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous shall shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. His throne is forever and the sceptre of His Kingdom is righteous.

The things that stood out most to me, while doing this study, were the fact that Jesus came to preach the gospel of the Kingdom and spent His last forty days teaching the disciples all about the Kingdom . . . and that they continued to preach the Kingdom throughout their lives. I've hardly heard anything about the "gospel of the Kingdom". The other thing that stood out to me was the concept of the Kingdom of God being within me/us. That's always been a very vague concept to me. Seeing all the verses grouped together like that was really helpful. I know there is a growing movement to see the Kingdom established here on earth, but Jesus said His Kingdom was not of this world - otherwise His servants would fight! No, for now, until He returns, it is not something we will be able to see. BUT there is a day coming!! A day when He WILL return! And HE will set up His Kingdom then. Hallelujah!! :0)

Photos found here and here.

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