Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Not So Pleasant Topic . . .

This post is a little different than my usual posts . . . but I'd really like to share what is on my heart.

About a year ago, Christian Audio's free mp3 book of the month was "Just Courage", by Gary Haugen, the founder of International Justice Mission. That was the first time (other than the movie Amazing Grace) that I heard about human trafficking. I was moved by the book and began to follow IJM (sorta), praying for those who are victims of human trafficking.

I'm not sure how I first heard about Not For Sale, but I "liked" them on Facebook and then got to read their posts when they came through my news feed.
This last week everything changed.

Not For Sale posted this for their status on Facebook: "Check out the NEW Chocolate Campaign | Watch "The Dark Side of Chocolate" and learn why "Free Chocolate" is so important!"

After watching the trailer on youtube, I found this other documentary . . . . and I will never be the same. My eyes have been opened and my heart broken. Here is the first part of the documentary. Everyone needs to see this . . .

My heart was broken as I saw what these children had to experience. How some were sold, or taken from their families. How they were beaten if they didn't work fast enough. How they couldn't afford shoes. How horrible their living conditions were . . . . . all so that I could enjoy a chocolate bar?!? As I got into the documentary a little bit, and all the big name brands for chocolate were ruled out by their part in child slave labor, I learned what that "fair-trade" symbol meant that I've seen in our local grocery store's health food department. Unfortunately I learned that even that label was not good enough . . . that even some of them were discovered to have children as slaves on their farms in west Africa.

I was very pleased to find a website, Free2work, that "grades" different companies on their action (or non-action) against child slave labor. There are still quite a few companies missing, but at least there were two chocolate companies listed that had a good grade! Theo Chocolate was one of them - a strange name, I know, but you can go and read about it.

So then I was wondering . . . what can I do?? Yeah, I can avoid buying certain kinds of chocolate . . . but is there anything I can do to help those who are trapped as a labor or sex slave? Estimates say there are 27 million of them! I found this handbook on the Not For Sale website - The Abolitionist Church Handbook. I think they are working on an updated version, but it was helpful. I decided the first thing I needed to do was to see how bad human trafficking is where I live.

Apparently WA and CA both made laws against human trafficking several years before OR did. I read that the city of Portland is second for most rescued children . . . . and that for several reasons Southern Oregon has become a magnet for human trafficking - slave prostitution playing the biggest part. I've still got a lot of research to do, but my hope is that I can play some part in "setting the captives free". 

I also learned that orange is the color of freedom. I'm not a huge fan of orange (unless it's in a sunset or sunrise :0), but for this cause, I think it is worth it. So I dug out some thread and made myself an orange ring. That'll do for now. 

I came across another organization the other day that I would like to mention. Make Way Partners.

I was so pleased to see the name of Jesus, right there on the home page . . . . and their stated mission: 

Passionate to share the 
Hope of the Gospel 
with the least of these

Jesus is the answer. He can set them free and heal their hearts. Who will join me in being His hands and feet here on earth, to reach out to "the least of these" in His name?

I hope that I have sparked something in you . . . . that you will do your own research and see what it's like where you live, and what you can do. I would love to hear from you! How is God leading you?

PS - Oh! I forgot to mention . . . . I was so grieved to learn that the US and the UK are the two primary destinations for human trafficking. What happened to "the land of the free"?!?

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