Saturday, June 19, 2010

Chasing The Dragon

. . . by Jackie Pullinger, is a book that has been on my "wish list" for probably close to a year - and I finally got to read it! :0)

It is an absolutely amazing story of a woman completely abandoned to God. She left everything she had and followed Him in very much the same way that Abraham did. God led her to the walled City of Hong Kong. Reading her story is like reading the book of Acts - God did so many miracles!

It is not my desire to debate spiritual gifts, but it quickly became evident to me that the person who owned this book before me was NOT in favor of speaking in tongues. The further I read the more frustrated this person seemed to get. I even started to get frustrated, that I couldn't respond to her (she made ridiculous comments about other things too)!

It was so obvious that God was working there in Jackie's ministry (and He continues to this day). His power was evident and changing lives! People would come to her at any time of the day or night, wanting to find Jesus. They couldn't read and they didn't know anything about the Bible. They didn't understand that Jesus was the Son of God, or that He died for their sins, but they KNEW that He was alive!! . . . . either because of how He had delivered their friend from drugs, or because they believed that Jackie wouldn't have come to the prison to talk to them if He wasn't alive. This seemed to really bother the previous owner of my book - that they didn't have all their theology worked out before they called on Jesus and He set them free from drugs (or whatever). Don't get me wrong - I enjoy theology and I think it is very important (I loved both of the Bible schools I attended), but I'm wondering if we have gotten things mixed up a little. As I thought about this, my mind went to the Gospels. Did the blind man on the side of the road have all his theology figured out? or the man who was carried to Jesus by his friends? It seems to me that there was only one thing they needed to believe . . . . that Jesus could heal them.

Being so impressed by the power of God to dramatically touch and heal the lives of the druggies and prostitutes of the Walled City . . . . impressed by the fact that others could see how He was changing lives, and were drawn to Him too . . . . I am left with this question - Is the power of God evident in my life? Not that I am seeking power and miracles, no, only more of Jesus in my life. But am I so full of Him, is He so much a part of my life that people are drawn to Him? That they just have to meet Him and experience His work in their life, too?

Sadly, the answer seems to be "no". But it drives me deeper into the arms of my Saviour, with the prayer that this will change.

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