Friday, July 30, 2010

I Reckon (pt 2)

It might be helpful to read my previous post I reckon.

I decided to look at the other places where the Greek work for "reckon" is used. One of the places I found was in Philippians 4:8, where it says "think on".
Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

In His Presence

I love this song, "I Just Want To Be Where You Are", though I haven't heard it in a really long time. I just found it this morning as I was looking at some worship music. It reminded me of a verse we looked at in Sunday School not too long ago. I can't remember exactly what verse it was that we were looking at (lol, I know...) . . . one of the verses in Psalms about David desiring to be in the temple, I think. :0)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Stuck On Me

So what happens when you get stuck on yourself?  When the most important things to you are your dreams, your goals? What does it look like?

Well, this stalk of corn on the left here is a good example. It just couldn't get free of itself and frankly, it isn't gonna do us any good.

Rees Howells Intercessor

I was going to post this blog on the 14th, but before I did, Eric Ludy's sermon from the 11th was posted and I had to listen to it. :0) It was basically about chapter 5 of this book. (?? Coincidence?? I . don't . think . so!) It was really good! (as always) . . . And I decided to think some more about what I'd written.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

No Breakfast . . . Forever??

On the way up to camp this last week, a song came on the radio that I haven't heard in a looooong time. The main point of the song is that they don't serve breakfast in hell. It got me thinking . . .

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Sands Of Time Are Sinking

This is such a beautiful hymn and seems to be too little known.

Samuel Rutherford (1600-1661) was a Scottish minister and covenenter. During his lifetime he was a professor at Edinburgh College, a pastor of the church in Anwoth, and a professor at St. Andrews. He was also a writer and was exiled for a book he wrote defending the doctrines of grace against Arminianism. Later he wrote a book called "Lex Rex" - "The Law, The King". This book argued for limited government, and limitations on the current idea of the Divine Right of Kings.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Keswick & Evan Hopkins

After posting my last blog I decided to see what else I could learn about Evan Hopkins and Keswick. I stumbled across this really cool outline of Keswick, showing the founders, the most prominent people associated with it, those influenced by it (like D. L. Moody), and the teachings. But then as I turned to the fourth page I was shocked to see this conclusion: "Keswick Theology's view of sanctification is theologically erronious." It went on to say how we should avoid propigating this theology through books, lectures, sermons, articles, hymns, etc. (haha, yeah right...)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Liberty En Christ!

I'm not quite ready to write a review about this book, but I have to share it with you. It is probably the best book I've read on the life that we have IN Christ and the freedom that we find there.

Evan Henry Hopkins (1837-1918) was a leader of the famous Keswick Convention. As Norman Grubb says, he "was perhaps the greatest expositor on the life in the Spirit that Keswick has produced".

You can read it online or download it from here.

Enjoy! :0)

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Liam is pretty much the best dog ever. :0) (Though he makes it very difficult to take his picture as he'd much rather eat the camera!) He loves to play and is very obedient. He loves to sing too! In fact, if you want to torture him, give him his dinner and then start to sing - he doesn't know what to do!!

Anyway, the purpose of this blog is not to brag about our dog, believe it or not. ;0) We've noticed some strange behavior . . .

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Such Love

While at a prayer meeting this morning a friend shared a story from Joel Rosenberg's book "Inside The Revolution". God is doing some AMAZING things in the Muslim world, but this story really touched me. Now if I can remember it correctly . . . ;0)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Highlight From My Week . . .

I just have to share this story from camp . . .

Yesterday was our lake day - a day at Howard Prairie with the canoes and house boat. We had to stop and hook up the trailer with the canoes as we were leaving. I parked "my" van and ran over to help . . .