Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I Reckon . . .

I'm sure we are all familiar with Romans 6:11, but this week as I heard a sermon about it and did my own study of the verse, it hit me in a new way.

Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, 
but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Chasing The Dragon

. . . by Jackie Pullinger, is a book that has been on my "wish list" for probably close to a year - and I finally got to read it! :0)

It is an absolutely amazing story of a woman completely abandoned to God. She left everything she had and followed Him in very much the same way that Abraham did. God led her to the walled City of Hong Kong. Reading her story is like reading the book of Acts - God did so many miracles!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Falling In Love . . .

As I have been learning what life is all about - knowing and loving Jesus with all that I am - I am finding that this truth is all throughout the Word! . . . . hmmm, imagine that! ;0)

I was reading one of T. Austin-Sparks' books last night (just discovered his amazing website) when I "re-discovered" Jeremiah 9:23-24 . . .

Friday, June 11, 2010

Call Upon Me

When I was walking through our neighbor's forest/garden (not sure what you'd call it!) and I came across this telephone booth I just had to laugh. It was the last thing I expected to see! :0) It is no longer at this location. (It's kind of a sad story...) Now it is for sale, sitting in front of a store on the south part of town. I was thinking about this picture because I've driven this direction almost every day this week.

I'm so glad that I don't need a telephone to talk to my Saviour!! He lives INSIDE of me!! :0) I don't have to worry about having the right change, getting service, being in range, my phone being charged, dialing a wrong number, or getting an answering machine. I have a Father who is ever attentive to my cry, my thoughts, and well, everything about me! :0) (see Ps. 139)

PS - My neighbor gave me permission to use this picture. It's been through a number of revisions, but I'm still not totally happy with it. If you have any suggestions - I'm open! :0)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Forgotten God

Many of us have wished that we could have Jesus right here, by our side. Even for a day that would be incredible! But Jesus said it was better for us if He went away so that we could have the Holy Spirit. How many of us really believe that?